Walking with the Lord

The Spiritual Exercises

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola

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Fr. Billy Huete, SJ teaching Meet Master Ignatius

Courses in Ignatian Spirituality

ISI offers various opportunities to learn more about Ignatian spirituality through courses focusing on the basic principles and practices. Course themes include overviews of prayer and praying, discernment, learning about St Ignatius and other Ignatian principles.

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Spiritual Conversation


Spiritual conversation requires attentive listening to oneself, to others, and to the Holy Spirit. It is an experience of sharing life experiences that opens us to a see all things new in Christ.

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prayer in practice bible

Prayer in Practice

ISI's Prayer in Practice offers a monthly opportunity to join an online guided meditation: a chance to meet, pray, listen, and speak from the heart. The forty-five minute prayer sessions will meet via Zoom at noon (Central Time) the first Friday of each month.

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knocking on door

Annual Giving: Knocking at Midnight

Then Jesus said to them, “Suppose you have a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have no food to offer.’ ..Because of your shameless audacity your friend will surely get up and give you what you need.   Luke 11: 5-6, 8

Each year at this time the Ignatian Spirituality Institute knocks on the doors of our friends begging help. One might wonder why we are consistently in need of additional resources. Is it a lack of planning or failure of management? No. We ask our friends for help because it’s midnight and people come to the Ignatian Spirituality Institute hungry for what they need and want. 

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hands in class

Spiritual Companioning Formation Program

The ISI Spiritual Companioning formation program is for persons who feel invited to the ministry of spiritual companioning in the Ignatian tradition as well as persons who desire to guide others in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Persons interested in the program will have completed the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius (complete 19th annotation or 30-day retreat). Applications of the next cohort will open in Spring 2024.

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Journey of Conversation

Spiritual Companioning

The Ignatian Spirituality Institute is privileged to work with several Ignatian spiritual companions. Through our application and interview processes, we are sometimes able to help seekers and directors find one another.

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