prayer in practice bible

Prayer in Practice

All relationships require an intentional dedication of time, listening, honesty, and open learning to thrive and flourish. Anyone who takes his or her relationship with God seriously sees that prayer cannot prevail on its own as a merely spontaneous expression. Prayer of the mature friend of the Lord must be practiced with intentionality and generosity, just like all important conversations of our living relationships. 

ISI's Prayer in Practice offers a monthly opportunity to join an online guided meditation: a chance to meet, pray, listen, and speak from the heart. The forty-five minute prayer sessions will meet via Zoom at noon (Central Time) the first Friday of each month.

Our prayer guides are experienced in the Ignatian tradition of prayer. We offer you a space of nourishment. You are invited to take time to pause and tune in to what grounds you. You will be invited to enter a deeper experience and perhaps discover a wider perspective of who you are, who God is for you, and what your life and loves call you to now. Everyone is welcome – just bring your openness and desire to grow in faith, hope, and love.

Upcoming 2025 sessions are: February 7, March 7,  April 4, and May 2

Select the red button below to register for prayer sessions.