Ignatius looking away

Master Ignatius Vision

Toward Greater Freedom Retreat

Toward Greater Freedom is an adaptation of the Spiritual Exercises developed and written by Fr. Anthony Borrow, S.J. The materials of Toward Greater Freedom provide structured and specific spiritual exercises which help you discover your own way to prayer and discernment. Learn more about the retreat on the retreat information page. 

How we proceed: 

This Toward Greater Freedom online retreat offers small group meetings on Tuesday evenings. Retreatants are responsible to make time for preparation, prayer, and reflection as well as the regular meetings. All materials are provided.

Retreatants commit to faithfully do the following: 

  • Daily Examen, 10 to 15 minutes every day.
  • Regular prayer and consideration of given materials, noting your experience. 
  • Attend and participate in 75 minute small group meetings.

Small Groups Meetings: 

  • Tuesday evening group will meet 7 - 8:15 pm (Central Time)
  • 2024-2025 Dates: Sept 24, Oct 22, Nov 19, Dec 10, Jan 7, Jan 28, Feb 25, March 25, April 15, May 6

Retreat Offering: $150

  • Includes online access to all retreat materials and meetings

Registration is open. Please complete form below. 

  • Space is limited. 
  • Your place is reserved when payment received

Course Facilitator(s)

MK Simion

MK Simion

Spiritual Companioning Coordinator and ISI Formation Team

MK began her Ignatian journey with the Toward Greater Freedom retreat at Jesuit Dallas in 2008. Soon after her initial experience she continued her journey by making the 19thAnnotation of the Spiritual Exercises. She served as the director of the TGF retreat for Jesuit parents and continues to serve as a companion for groups making the Spiritual Exercises in everyday life in various parishes and churches in the Dallas area as well as working one on one as a spiritual director. MK is married to Steve Simion and they are the parents of four grown children.

Debbie Wallace

Deb Wallace

Debbie Wallace is a spiritual director in the Ignatian tradition.  She enjoys facilitating retreats and days of reflection rooted in the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola.  Debbie received her formation from the Ignatian Spirituality Institute, recently joining their Board of Directors.  With a spiritual direction certification from Truett Seminary, and a lecturer and supervisor in this program, she holds a BA in Social Work from Baylor University and a Masters in Religious Education  from SWBTS.  She has served in campus ministry, church planting, spiritual formation, and all manner of past volunteer activities with her children’s classical Christian school.  Debbie currently serves as formation leader and spiritual director at Christ Church Waco and serves on the Advisory Board of Brazos Fellows. Debbie has served as spiritual companion for numerous ISI retreats including Toward Greater Freedom, Choosing Christ in the World, and Finding Christ in the World. She and her husband, Jeff, reside in Waco and have 4 grown children.  

