Practicing Ignatian SpDir

ISI is partnering with Jesuit Retreat House on Lake Winnebago in Oshkosh, Wisconsin to offer Practicing Ignatian Spiritual Direction. This is a retreat-workshop focused on principles, values, and characteristics unique to the practice of spiritual direction in the Ignatian tradition. Participants will pray together, listen together, and learn together. 


When and Where:

4:00 pm arrival  Thursday, November 7, 2024
1:00 pm departure Sunday, November 9, 2024

Jesuit Retreat House on Lake Winnebago
4800 Fahrnwald Road
Oshkosh, WI 54902

How we proceed:

Sessions include input from members of the Ignatian Spirituality Institute with long experience guiding others in the Ignatian tradition. Each seventy-five minute session gives space for reflection, small group sharing, and a brief plenary. The days also include time for personal prayer, celebration of the Eucharist, and conversation among participants.

Who will benefit:         

The retreat workshop is open to spiritual directors and retreat directors - lay, religious, clergy - who desire to deepen understanding and develop practices following the Ignatian model of spiritual direction.


$375 - includes workshop materials, private en suite rooms, towels and linens, all meals and snacks, and a beautiful prayerful campus.


Registration is open and available on the Jesuit Retreat House on Lake Winnebago website here.
Or, you may call (920) 231-9060 Monday - Friday 8 am to 4 pm CDT.


Carol Atwell Ackels

Carol Atwell Ackels

Carol is Director of the Ignatian Spirituality Institute. A spiritual director in the Ignatian tradition she serves as retreat director of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius in various formats. She offers weekend retreats, the Exercises in Everyday Life, and one-to-one directed retreats at Jesuit retreat houses across the United States.  Carol regularly gives programs and days of reflection to parish and Church groups. She launched and continues to give workshops to shape persons, Jesuits and lay, who are moving into retreat ministry and spiritual companioning in the Ignatian tradition. Appointed by the Provincial, Carol served six years on the bi-province Commission on Ministry--the group that discerns long-range planning for apostolic work of the Jesuits and their colleagues. Carol co-authored with Joe Tetlow, S.J. the twelve week Ignatian retreat Finding Christ in the World, and worked with Anthony Borrow, S.J. developing the Toward Greater Freedom retreat for parents at Jesuit College Prep of Dallas. Carol holds a J.D. from SMU Dedman School of Law, Dallas and a Master of Art in Theology and Leadership from Gonzaga University, Spokane. She and her husband reside in Dallas and are the parents of five adult children.

Cyndy Mathews

Cyndy Mathews

Spiritual Exercises Retreat Coordinator and ISI Formation Team

Cyndy has worked with ISI since its inception in 2013. Prior to that, she served for many years in parish ministry and leadership, including spiritual companioning. Cyndy completed the spiritual director formation program at Our Lady of Divine Providence School of Spirituality in Clearwater, FL. She meets with individuals in ongoing spiritual direction and serves as a guide for the 19 th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. Cyndy has experience in facilitating faith-sharing groups as well as ISI courses on prayer and Ignatian spirituality. She regularly attends retreats and workshops and participated in the Foundations program led by Fr. Joe Tetlow, SJ. Cyndy also serves as a spiritual director for one-to-one directed retreats at Montserrat Jesuit Retreat House, and has offered days of reflection there as well. She and her husband, Jack, are parents of wonderful adult sons, an amazing daughter-in-law, and take great delight in having entered the joyous season of grandparenting.